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WindDesk - Predict

Dynamic, on-demand wind resource, energy and commercial assessments

Dynamic energy assesments

You can perform numerous updates to your energy assessment based on project changes, or setup periodic project development snapshots.

Our reports and deliverables are always analyzed on a fully integrated, direct to IRR/LCOE basis and can be issued at a very high iteration speed.

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Unlimited updates and project variations

Data stored in the secured database from our  monitoring platform (WindDesk: Monitor) is directly connected to WindDesk – Predict allowing you to  perform wind resource, energy production and commercial assessments seamlessly.      

With the help of carefully developed engineering and software interfaces, we provide you an up to date digital reflections of your project’s commerciality based on new data from wind measurements, site surveys, E&S matters, geotechnical investigations, and changes to design and project parameters such as layout, turbine selection, hub-heights, transmission design.

Having the ability to perform the analyses at near real time without paying for additional variation orders allows you to perform periodic project development snapshots, prioritize your resources for project development task, reduce development risk and increase the chances of project success.

Perform fully integrated analysis and optimize for IRR/LCOE

Our wind resource, energy production and commercial assessment methodologies are fully integrated with other technical, E&S,  financial and development aspects of the project, such as wind farm layout design, electrical loss calculations, setback zones, conceptual design and costings of civil and electrical balance of plant.

As a result, we can perform these analyses at highly accelerated pace and optimize your projects for either a) direct Project IRR/LCOE, b) capital deployment volume or c) energy production.

For developers with multiple masts and project sites, by knowing your energy (and therefore IRR) projections in a continuous manner, you can manage your development portfolio’s risk by adjusting the priority of resources, finding new sites or installing new measurement equipment.

Wind and Site Conditions: Wind speeds, wind direction, wind shear, air density.
Terrain: Elevation, slopes, ruggedness.
Wind Turbine: Turbine selection and sizing, costs, hub height.
Access Roads: Pathing, design and costs of internal and external roads.
Environmental & Social: protected areas, vicinity to populations, places of interest etc.
Transport: Transportation path complexity from port to site.
Hydrology: Rainfall, flooding.
Financial Modelling: CAPEX, OPEX, funding structure and cost of capital, sensitivity analysis.

Bankable-grade methodology

Fast, consistent, and high-quality reports and deliverables.
In line with state-of-the-art industry methodologies and standards.
Reports and deliverables consistent with independent international consultants.
Detailed methodology and validation documentation available upon request.